
I use Obsidian for all of my note taking and research notes c: Here's an overview of my workflow:

- Dark: AnuPpuccin
- Light: Custom theme that I barely use bc it's genuinely blinding <3

Workflow - zettelkasten specifics
*Naming Scheme
-> YYYYMMDD.[Section] - Specific Name
--> YYYYMMDD.[Section]a - Specific Different Name
---> YYYYMMDD.[Section]a1 - Etc
--> YYYYMMDD.[Section]b

*Zettelkasten MOC Structure
-> Multiple "Entry" notes are linked in the MOC file
-> To get to other notes you follow hyperlinked paths from the entry note

note: Obsidian is perfectly functional with only the core plugins. If you're starting out you shouldn't feel obligated to use any! Start by learning the basics of MD notes then decide if you want to add things
note2: Some people believe in 0 bloat pure optimization nothing without a use isn't installed type configs....I'm not one of those people (but if you are I added a necessary rating column <3)

| Name            | Necessary* | (My) Use Case                                  |
| 3D Graph        | No         | It's pretty                                    |
| Audio Notes     | Semi       | Embed mp3s for timestamped notes + references  |
| Book Search     | Yes        | Automatically grabs info for my book notes to  |
|                 |            | automate forming my reading list (saves HOURS) |
| BRAT            | Depends    | Nice for testing beta plugins easily and vc    |
| Dataview        | Relatively | I use this for my reading list and that's it   |
| Desmos          | Yes        | Really helpful for math notes, embedded graphs |
| Floating TOC    | Semi       | Could live without it but it's nice to see the |
|                 |            | TOC without the sidebar open                   |
| Graph Analysis  | Yes        | Nice for finding connections based on note     |
|                 |            | content, highly rec for zettelkasten workflows |
| Mathpad         | Yes        | Helpful for math notes, I might replace Desmos |
|                 |            | plugin with this because it also has plotting  |
| Multi-Column MD | Yes        | Better use of space with lists + easy to use   |
| Plugin Update   | Yes        | It allows you to postpone/ ignore updates and  |
| Tracker         |            | all my updates are in one place, super helpful |
| Quick Latex     | Yes        | More efficient notes in latex, that's it       |
| QuickAdd        | Yes        | Also exclusively for my reading list           |
| Reading Time    | No         | I hide scroll bars so the indication is nice   |
| Slurp           | Yes        | Copying articles/ writeups for notes/ to save  |
| Style Settings  | Depends    | Edit themes easily, I use it for literally two |
|                 |            | plugins and that's it                          |
| Surfing         | Yes        | Browsing from obsidian, I thought I wouldn't   |
|                 |            | really use it but I love it ngl                |

*based on the workflow of a CS/Cybersecurity student who takes extensive literature and philosophy based notes and is forced to take math classes

CSS Snippets

Custom Editor Width

body {
--file-line-width: 900px;

Footnotes Hover to View

.cm-active .cm-inline-footnote-start::after {
    display: none;
.cm-inline-footnote-start::after {
    opacity: 1;
    position: absolute;
    background: var(--background-color-default);
    left: 0;
    z-index: 99;
    width: 20px;
.cm-active .cm-inline-footnote:not(.cm-inline-footnote-start):not(.cm-inline-footnote-end) {
    display: inline;
.cm-inline-footnote-start {
    position: relative;
.cm-inline-footnote-start:hover + .cm-inline-footnote:not(.cm-inline-footnote-start):not(.cm-inline-footnote-end) {
    display: inline-block;
    position: absolute;
    background: var(--background-color-default);
    border: 1px solid var(--border-color-light);
    padding: 0.5rem;
    z-index: 999;
    left: auto;
    top: auto;
    margin-left: 0.5em;
    border-radius: 6px;
    box-shadow: 1px 1px 6px var(--border-color-light);
    max-width: 400px;

No Scrollbar

body:not(.native-scrollbars) ::-webkit-scrollbar {
    width: 0px;
    height: 0px;

questions? contact me!

november 2024